A Visit to the Made Space in Berlin…
A visit to MADE in BERLIN - Built from the ideas of some key creative minds in particular TADIROCK, this MADE was a space created for the sheer point of CREATING . Creating Art, Creating a message, Creating greatness. Much like Andy Warhol's Factory in NYC from the 60's , this is a place that was built for artists from all around the world to come together and make dreams come true.
Twitter Updates for 2010-05-21
RT @chuckcreekmur: Hoping Malik B is somewhere on this Roots…
Weiner Snitzel and 1st Class Flights – Berlin Recap…
A quick recap of the Berlin Trip , with pics;)
Twitter Updates for 2010-05-20
Everythings gonna be alright. http://tweetphoto.com/23143897…
And to the Hood… East Berlin, West Berlin, and Worldwide…
BERLIN - It is a beautiful town and I will recapping my shenanigans here for the rest of this week, as I got to see and do quite a bit. However, we'll start with the reason I was out there in the 1st place - The No 74 Block Party! Initially meant to be on May 15th, we had to move it to the 16th due to Rain, BUT the weather gods shined their lights on us and made it a great day regardless....
Adding an extra B-day stream for June 19th on twitch
June 19th is the actual bday for yours truly. It’s also pops day & Juneteenth . On top of that,it’s my 2 year twitchaversary month (I don’t remember when I actually started up because my brain is basically a half a century old). So lots to celebrate.
I’ve come to learn many of y’all have still not seen my visual mixtape versions of some of my classic releases, so figured I’d do a little pop up at a time when I wouldn’t usually stream for those who keep missing the regular scheduled festivities .
So come thru. There will probably be cake.
June 19th – 5 PM EST / 2 PM PST