Twitter Updates for 2010-05-12
@DeePhunk how is it so far?? in reply to DeePhunk #
sup apex!…
Gettin my luche libre on at Camaradas NYC w/ G Bo the pro…
Who is that masked man above, Next to the Other masked man?? It was your’s truly, representing in EL BARRIO Uptown NYC baby last Cinco De Mayo for G Bo the Pro for the 2 Year anniversary of His WayBack Whensdays Party . On Deck to rep for The Man were myself, DJ TONY TOUCH, REI DOUBLE R, and Victor Vargas and DJ Dres. The spot had this NYC house party feel, with folk both young and old , their to get they groove on...
New Podcast – LIVE from the Soul Sessions in LA 4/23
t's Been QUITE Some time since I've released a New Podcast, being on the road makes it very difficult to record. Lucky for me and you and your cousin too, The soul Sessions guys were recording the set - So here it is for your listening pleasure... a video & audio recap....
Twitter Updates for 2010-05-09
Queens to NJ love #
Queens baby.…
Adding an extra B-day stream for June 19th on twitch
June 19th is the actual bday for yours truly. It’s also pops day & Juneteenth . On top of that,it’s my 2 year twitchaversary month (I don’t remember when I actually started up because my brain is basically a half a century old). So lots to celebrate.
I’ve come to learn many of y’all have still not seen my visual mixtape versions of some of my classic releases, so figured I’d do a little pop up at a time when I wouldn’t usually stream for those who keep missing the regular scheduled festivities .
So come thru. There will probably be cake.
June 19th – 5 PM EST / 2 PM PST