Tag Archive for: Maharlika

2/10 Tuesday – Join us at Maharlika NYC for #Dinnerandamixtape Valentine’s Edition

Dinner and A mixtape Vday

A New Mixtape means another installment of Dinner & A Mixtape

The Dinner & Mixtape event series comes to NYC just in time for Valentine’s Day – celebrating great music, order great food and Neil’s Filipino Heritage. This installment will be held at Maharlika Filipino Moderno, decease with Neil Armstrong’s latest mixtape Warmfuzzy part 2 providing the soundtrack for the night. The first Warmfuzzy was made 10 years ago, a mixtape made for valentine’s day. Warmfuzzy part 2 continues the theme of the 1st one with music about that crazy little thing called love. The perfect soundtrack for a dinner for two at Maharlika before Valentine’s Day weekend, because everyday should be valentine’s day! Copies of the mixtape can be purchased as well as Dj Neil Armstrong’s Food Guide book Leaving Dishes.

Maharlika’s amazing dinner menu will be available, as well as some signature dishes that will be created for the night.

The kitchen will be open from 6 – 11 PM. To reserve your table please call 646.392.7880 , and mention you are reserving for Dinner & A Mixtape. There is also a bar area for those who just want to stop by for the great music and a quick drink.

Feb 10th Tuesday
Pre Valentine’s Day Dinner & Listening Session for
Warmfuzzy Part 2

6-11 PM
111 First Ave & 7th Street, NY NY