For my Folks who are sticking around NY/ Jersey City this weekend. If you #feelingthebern, New Jersey Still has its chance to have its voice heard on June 7th. Come thru to Porta Jersey City for some great food, music, Vibes… and just a liiiiitttle touch of politics. Everyone is invited baby, you know how we do.
OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders Event Page:
Facebook Event Page : www.facebook.com/events/655563651267774/
Event page for the Rally/March Before hand:
Burning up in Chilltown – sunset rooftop Soirée in Jersey city
MAY 28th FROM 7- 10 PM
AT Porta
135 Newark Avenue Jersey City NJ
Jersey City’s Own Local Talent including:
Members of JC band Kiwi (twitter.com/kiwirootsmusic)
Musician Pablo Rodriguez
& more to be announced!!
Vibes by New Jersey’s Own Kevlove of the Elite Camp DJ’s & NY transplant DJ Neil Armstrong
After a long day of marching and canvassing, we are getting together to drink some drinks & eat some great food while watching the sun go down in Jersey city on Porta’s Rooftop. Good music and vibes provided by some of Jersey’s own homegrown talent.
A chance for the NJ Berners to enjoy a moment together, help bring people from just voting to volunteering for this grassroots movement that is Bernie Sander’s Presidential Campaign.
Bring your friends who want to enjoy a great vibe and don’t realize how important this June 7th NJ primary is going to be! You don’t have to be from NJ, you don’t have to be a Bernie supporter to come join up with some great NJ residents memorial Day weekend. HRC supporters, Trump supporters, and especially undecided voters – we don’t have to agree on everything but we can sure party together!
Attendees can be All Ages until 11 PM . FREE to attend.
Are you a Bernie fan? We need you! We need to recruit all our Jersey City Bernie fan base and turn them into committed canvassing volunteers for our final push to win Hudson County for Bernie!!