Last July I finally dropped a limited run of Cassette USB’s for my latest mixtape, which sold out in a day and change.
Some of ya’ll who missed the first release hit me up to see if I’d be doing another run of cassette USBs , and i did one for the IRL meet up for NEW WAVE HEARTTHROBS – OUR MONTHLY twitch livestream celebrating everything new wave.
I have a FEW of these versions left for sale – the “NEW WAVE HEART THROBS” special edition, with it’s own special cover for the celebration.
Dropping the price from $20 beans to $15 beans cause we can all use a little break these days right!?
NOTE – On this cassette USB is the complete mixtape uncut in mp3 format, as well as the mixtape “tracked out” in wav format for the best possible quality for those who need it to burn some CDs and live the life.
PLUS – this version also includes the video of the twitch debut listening/watch party in mp4 format for the release of the mix from July, complete with synced videos and banter from the chat group that I lovingly refer to as the Space Cadets.
All files will be available for immediate digital download upon purchase.