Twitter Wrapup – 2010-07-01
Colors party gothenburg was a great success!! We broke records…
Very Special Thanks to Matt from Roy’s in Poipu Kauai…
If you ever find yourself on Kauai, generic make sure to stop…
Twitter Wrapup – 2010-06-30
Original sample for run this town. On vinyl.…
7/10 – Sat – Mr Armstrong at Highpoint Shoes in Arizona for GKY
Go Kill Yourself or GKY simply stands for the ultimate death of the ego and the thrill of the KILL. With music spun by the legendary DJ Neil Armstrong, please join High Point Shoes, 5th Column, and Dearly Departed for the celebratory coming out of this summer's most anticipated project.
Aloha Kauai…. Surfing, Kayaking, Ziplining, and lake jumping with wifey…
Beautiful Kauai done extreme style but still romantical ... A must add on your travel to do list...
Adding an extra B-day stream for June 19th on twitch
June 19th is the actual bday for yours truly. It’s also pops day & Juneteenth . On top of that,it’s my 2 year twitchaversary month (I don’t remember when I actually started up because my brain is basically a half a century old). So lots to celebrate.
I’ve come to learn many of y’all have still not seen my visual mixtape versions of some of my classic releases, so figured I’d do a little pop up at a time when I wouldn’t usually stream for those who keep missing the regular scheduled festivities .
So come thru. There will probably be cake.
June 19th – 5 PM EST / 2 PM PST