Tag Archive for: rock the block party

5/16 – SUNDAY – the Adidas / No 74 / Neil Armstrong Berlin Block Party

On my way to a not so sunny Berlin this weekend to do my thang thang.

sick on Flickr”>IMG_0512

buy viagra on Flickr”>The Rock the block party 5/15

No 74 is a very special Boutique, buy cialis specializing in very exclusive Adidas Gear. This year they’re throwing a Block Party with their Neighbors to the left and right, promoting community and fun and DANCING.

No 74 Rock the Block Party May 15


Torstr. 74 in Berlin
Starting at 2 PM, I get on about 3ish ;)

Located at Torstr. 74 , peep out this link for my german reading folk over here to see what stores are involved. They been preparing for a grand ole time, even cut a quick promo video for it.

DUE TO RAIN, we are going to do the block party this SUNDAY!! MAY 16th!