Tag Archive for: dj neil armstrong

Twitter Wrapup – 2011-02-03

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-02-02

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-02-01

  • yo, clinic so my buddy @ESTOBOT is trying to say 5 guys burgers is betteer then in-n-out burgers. can someone please educate this guy. in-n-out ! #
  • 2/3 – Thurs – DJ NA heads to Washington DC @ the Shadowroom http://t.co/h1G8yXZ #
  • if every single hip hop fan just donated an easy dollar for Kool Herc – http://bit.ly/h7vHcH #
  • from @realdjpremier blog – DONATIONS TO KOOL HERC VIA PAYPAL NOW AVAILABLE – http://t.co/HEaknMC #
  • full on asthma attack when the cold nyc air hit my lungs. im like the kid in goonies with my inhaler right about now… #
  • Now that the workweek has started, pharm you may not be able to soci… More for Gemini http://twittascope.com/?sign=3 #
  • got upgraded to 1st class again, viagra @emmulate let me have the good seat this time cause im sick. she gets best girlfriend stats for that move. #

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2/3 – Thurs – DJ NA heads to DC @ the Shadowroom

Shadow Room Thursdays Feb 3rd...

Yes Yes y’all. We have another first. This will be my first official gig in DC. Took long enough. So my peoples in the DC area, come thru and party with me properly…

Shadowroom Thursdays Presents – Neil Armstrong

2131 K Street NW WDC

Table Reservations/Bottle Service: 240 505 2485
Please RSVP to : Shadowroom@dtnation.com

Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-31

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-30

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-29

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-28

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Premiere issue of goodiesmag.com with some Neil Armstrong love love…

Sweeet, sovaldi sale 2011 has been good so far except for this dang NYC Snow…

For those caught up in it, viagra and for those all around the world, check check out Goodies Mag, which just came out with its Premiere issue today.

From the website

Founded by two New Yorkers in 2010 that were fed up with the mundane-ness of their existence and noticing a void in the traditional magazine world, they decided to take a risk and pool their talents to create something they and their peers would enjoy reading. Inspired by the NYC downtown scene, and ever-evolving art world, these two individuals aptly named Kelvin and Igor, came up with something that would fuse their diverse interests. The result was a contemporary lifestyle culture magazine with an adult twist called Goodies…,

Your’s truly was interviewed last year for their inaugural issue, peep it out by clicking the screenshots below, its on page 26 and 27 if your in a rush, but there is LOTS of good stuff in goodies to read baby. Shouts to DJ Get Live…

Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 1.14.50 PM

Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 1.14.55 PM

Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-27

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-26

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-25

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1/29 – DJ NA’s 1st Yay Area Stop for 2011 @ 111 Minna Gallery SF…

viagra on Flickr”>228731899

BAY AREA, salve I’m coming back…

Boogie Events Co Presents :

Saturday Jan 29th :
@ 111 Minna Gallery
111 Minna Street, mind San Francisco, CA 94105
415.974.1719 | Fax 866.449.7088

THE BOOGIE ANNIVERSARY / B-Day Celebration of Brian Velasquez & Mike Cusi

Hosted by : Fran boogie, Cusi McFly and Rel

DJ Neil Armstrong along side
Boogie Brown / Rayzaruckus / cmc

Resident Technicians:
Swift Rock / Digga / c02 / Universel / Novacaine / trust / izzace /retsel / mic. brito

Come one come all Bay Area, lets start my 1st Bay Area gig of 2011 off right!


Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-24

  • RT @DJFATFINGAZNYC: I told u those are my lucky shit talking Tweets!!!!! JETS!!!! #
  • alright, click i likes i likes. signs of life from the underdogs #
  • so @emmulate wants to eat salad on this game day , generic everyone set her straight please , physician this aint no diet day dangit! #
  • Your schedule is as complicated as your thoughts today, but yo… More for Gemini http://twittascope.com/?sign=3 #
  • $25 for $60 Worth of Apparel, Shoes, and Accessories at Rugged Sole and wealthy… http://t.co/dHFZtn7 – this spot got kicks n good stuff… #

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-23

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-22

  • time to go, unhealthy til next time sao paulo (@ Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo / Guarulhos (GRU) w/ 40 others) http://4sq.com/heRllU #
  • platinum frequent flyer stats got me nothin at the sao paolo airport..feel like when u go to the club thinkin u on the list and u not on it #
  • RT @nydailynews Hero or villain? Irate elderly flyer punches teen who didn't turn off iPhone for .. http://nydn.us/h5k1Xn #
  • I'm just sayin… the girls in sao paolo brazil have really big hearts . Big, click Jiggly… hearts. kekeke hi @emmulate #
  • the view from the hotel…. pretty fly (@ Feller Avenida Paulista Hotel) [pic]: http://4sq.com/fI6OgQ #
  • craazy ass rain! run in the park, another check on my list (@ Parque Ibirapuera – Espaco Para Caes) [pic]: http://4sq.com/hbsoMP #
  • I just ousted Paola K. as the mayor of Parque Ibirapuera – Espaco Para Caes on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/ddmvXt #
  • is nyc buried in snow right now? maybe I should miss my flight from brazil back to nyc on purpose… #
  • NYC College student files suit for 1.8M after Las Vegas hooker didn't spend enough time – this is one dumb dude http://nydn.us/e8gCgK #
  • Maintaining your focus can be quite challenging today, for you… More for Gemini http://twittascope.com/?sign=3 #
  • Weezer to break up for $10 million? James Burns starts online fundraiser to make group disband: http://soc.li/o84rsEf #
  • I'm at Feller Avenida Paulista Hotel (Rua São Carlos do Pinhal, 200, Rua paralela a Avenida Paulista, São Paulo) http://4sq.com/gDu1rP #
  • word up, @dubstrong hipped me to this jimmy castor bunch – its just begun larry levan remix. better late then never… #

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-21

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-20

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-19

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-18

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1/20 – Thurs – heading to Sao Paolo Brazil for GROOVELICIOUS …

health on Flickr”>Sao paolo - Lions Club - 1/20

Sao Paolo Brazil… phew. For my people who happen to be there, sovaldi who know people over there that love to dance and groove, make sure to tell them that I’ll be there to move with them this thursday at the Lions Club…

Translated from the Lions Night Club website =

Much more than a simple celebration of black music, the Groovelicious explores the most sophisticated and the unknown soul, funk, breaks and other aspects of black music.

With residency DJs and Dubstrong Tamenpi and always with a special guest each week – as Zegon, Mau Mau, Pogo (UK), Nuts and others – festival takes place every Thursday at the Lions Nightclub.

Sao Paolo , here I come…

DJ Neil Armstrong @ Lions Club Sao Paolo
January 20 – This Thursday
$100 – 150

Tonite – 1/17 – AGENDA:NYC Launch party @ SL presented by @crooksncastles

thumb on Flickr”>Agenda opening party jan 17th

Do y’all know what AGENDA: NYC is? From the website –

The Agenda Trade Show is a forum for the most inspired in the streetwear and action sports industries to unite… With a strong emphasis in stye, tadalafil art, music and culture, the Agenda experience is as much a lesson as it is a tool.

Agenda NYC Debut from Agenda Tradeshow on Vimeo.

Myself and Josh Madden will be holding down the Laucnh Party tonite at SL – 409 W 14th St. NYC .

This one is for the people who are going to the Agenda Trade Show, BUT you know I love my fans, so if you wanna roll thru – Hit me @ djneilarmstrong@gmail.com with the Subject AGENDA GUESTLIST and I got y’all. Get me the list before 2PM Please!!

Here is the info:

AGENDA:NYC Official Launch party
Presented by Crooks & Castles
with DJ Neil Armstrong and DJ Josh Madden
10 PM
SL 409 W 14th Street NY, NY 10014

Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-17

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-16

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-15

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-14

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-13

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-12

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-11

  • Here @emmulate – a complete recap of ur fav show – Jersey Shore: You Can Never Go Home Again http://t.co/C3sMRXt via @gawker #
  • phew… great news today – my dog that eats euros 4 brunch doesnt have kushing's disease. Looks like he'll be eatin my loot 4 a bit longer! #
  • Verizon's iPhone: Here comes the fallout http://t.co/9flvW44 #
  • been hibernating in my bed for the last 2 days trying to recover. wake up wake up wake up! #
  • Your key planet Mercury raises the stakes today as it heighten… More for Gemini http://twittascope.com/?sign=3 #

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Twitter Wrapup – 2011-01-10

  • me and @emmulate are watching the knicks game online… new long distance tradition. @SucioSmash where you at!? #
  • dunno, discount my dog is slick, not sure how he gets at anything! I swear one time he figured out how to open a door. #
  • my dog ate 100 euro's worth of paper bills in the last 2 days . brghghghghghh… #
  • ok, so my pooch ATE ANOTHER 50 EURO BILL. should I go thru the poop and try to reconstruct it? :( DANG DOG. #
  • lazy sick day again #
  • China plans $1.3 billion knock-off of Dubai hotel – Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/fL9TN5 #
  • It's challenging for you to express your freedom today because… More for Gemini http://twittascope.com/?sign=3 #

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